165 research outputs found

    Automating Requirements Traceability: Two Decades of Learning from KDD

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    This paper summarizes our experience with using Knowledge Discovery in Data (KDD) methodology for automated requirements tracing, and discusses our insights.Comment: The work of the second author has been supported in part by NSF grants CCF-1511117 and CICI 1642134; 4 pages; in Proceedings of IEEE Requirements Engineering 201


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    Technique Integration for Requirements Assessment

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    In determining whether to permit a safety-critical software system to be certified and in performing independent verification and validation (IV&V) of safety- or mission-critical systems, the requirements traceability matrix (RTM) delivered by the developer must be assessed for accuracy. The current state of the practice is to perform this work manually, or with the help of general-purpose tools such as word processors and spreadsheets Such work is error-prone and person-power intensive. In this paper, we extend our prior work in application of Information Retrieval (IR) methods for candidate link generation to the problem of RTM accuracy assessment. We build voting committees from five IR methods, and use a variety of voting schemes to accept or reject links from given candidate RTMs. We report on the results of two experiments. In the first experiment, we used 25 candidate RTMs built by human analysts for a small tracing task involving a portion of a NASA scientific instrument specification. In the second experiment, we randomly seeded faults in the RTM for the entire specification. Results of the experiments are presented

    Searching Multi-Hierarchical XML Documents: the Case of Fragmentation

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    To properly encode properties of textual documents using XML, multiple markup hierarchies must be used, often leading to conflicting markup in encodings. Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) Guidelines [1] recognize this problem and suggest a number of ways to incorporate multiple hierarchies in a single well-formed XML document. In this paper, we present a framework for processing XPath queries over multi-hierarchical XML documents represented using fragmentation, one of the TEI-suggested techniques. We define the semantics of XPath over DOM trees of fragmented XML, extend the path expression language to cover overlap in markup, and describe FragXPath, our implementation of the proposed XPath semantics over fragmented markup

    Partial Automation of Requirements Tracing

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    Requirements Tracing on Target (RETRO) is software for after-the-fact tracing of textual requirements to support independent verification and validation of software. RETRO applies one of three user-selectable information-retrieval techniques: (1) term frequency/inverse document frequency (TF/IDF) vector retrieval, (2) TF/IDF vector retrieval with simple thesaurus, or (3) keyword extraction. One component of RETRO is the graphical user interface (GUI) for use in initiating a requirements-tracing project (a pair of artifacts to be traced to each other, such as a requirements spec and a design spec). Once the artifacts have been specified and the IR technique chosen, another component constructs a representation of the artifact elements and stores it on disk. Next, the IR technique is used to produce a first list of candidate links (potential matches between the two artifact levels). This list, encoded in Extensible Markup Language (XML), is optionally processed by a filtering component designed to make the list somewhat smaller without sacrificing accuracy. Through the GUI, the user examines a number of links and returns decisions (yes, these are links; no, these are not links). Coded in XML, these decisions are provided to a "feedback processor" component that prepares the data for the next application of the IR technique. The feedback reduces the incidence of erroneous candidate links. Unlike related prior software, RETRO does not require the user to assign keywords, and automatically builds a document index

    Process improvement for traceability: A study of human fallibility

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    Abstract—Human analysts working with results from automated traceability tools often make incorrect decisions that lead to lower quality final trace matrices. As the human must vet the results of trace tools for mission- and safety-critical systems, the hopes of developing expedient and accurate tracing procedures lies in understanding how analysts work with trace matrices. This paper describes a study to understand when and why humans make correct and incorrect decisions during tracing tasks through logs of analyst actions. In addition to the traditional measures of recall and precision to describe the accuracy of the results, we introduce and study new measures that focus on analyst work quality: potential recall, sensitivity, and effort distribution. We use these measures to visualize analyst progress towards the final trace matrix, identifying factors that may influence their performance and determining how actual tracing strategies, derived from analyst logs, affect results

    A Framework for Processing Complex Document-centric XML with Overlapping Structures

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    ABSTRACT Management of multihierarchical XML encodings has attracted attention of a number of researchers both in databases We demonstrate a unified solution for management of complex, multihierarchical document-centric XML. Our framework includes software for storing, parsing, in-memory access, editing and querying, multihierarchical XML documents with conflicting structures
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